How does the QR code solution work in six simple steps?

Staff, students, or athletes scan a QR code on their smartphone.

They enter their contact details and select their preferred language to communicate in.
Then they simply answer a couple of questions, set by you, to advise any issues they may have that are currently impacting on their wellbeing.

The questions are set by you but may include whether the person has been impacted by situations such as bullying or racism or if they are suffering from distress related to their financial situation or relationships.
The QR Code connects to our real-time reporting and notification process. You can instantlv be notified of anv issues of immediate concern.
Individuals are then offered wrap around support, including people to talk to and resources for them to read.
What makes us different?

No pesky apps to download - making the solution instantly accessible to everyone with a phone.

No special software required for reporting - meaning a quick implementation within your organisation.

Multi-lingual solution to meet the diverse needs of your people.

100% no user cost.

Our wrap around wellbeing resources have been developed in conjunction with New Zealand's most experienced suicidologist Dr Annette Louis Beautrais. Annette is an adjunct professor at the University of Canterbury and has worked with the World Health Organisation and served on the Board of the International Association for Suicide Prevention.